Saturday, May 9, 2009

Crazy Week

I was looking forward to Cinco De Mayo, since I had the day off. Until I woke up and could not move my neck again. That's right this has happened before and the doctor said it was a pulled muscle. Well this time I started treating it the same way, and it was not getting better. So off to the doctor I went on Thursday morning. He shocked my muscle, and told me it was in a huge knot. He gave me some muscle relaxers, and a patch to wear on my back. It's better but still tight.
To top off the week, I came home last night to find a strange letter. It was from the United States Court system. I opened, and found out I have jury duty for federal court. It starts the same day as my week and a half vacation. At least I have the weekend off!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Aww! That's not fair you get stuck with Jury duty on your vacation. I hope your neck recovers soon! xoxo